I just got a story published, where I had ignored the feedback I received. So if I hear a piece of feedback that doesn't jive with my intentions, I make a note of it and proceed with the submission. The thing is, I will wait a few days or weeks first, and re-read it. That wait period is crucial.

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Yes, the wait period is absolutely crucial. I just need to learn to wait without tying myself in knots!

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That's why I work on a few things at the same time.

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Hwo is feedback you don't need. It's just an honest typo (see byline). But your writing is excellent and as for praise, take a big spoonful every time, leaving some in the jar.

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Oopsie. Fixed that now! Thanks for the heads-up.

And thank you for the kind words. They mean a lot to me!

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Rationally I know that everyone is to some extent making it up as they go along, and feedback may be well-intentioned but misguided. But I still end up wondering if I'm being stubborn or arrogant if I disregard it.

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> If your gut says a particular comment is nonsense, listen to it, because it’s probably right.

Wholly agreed. It's like William Goldman said about Hollywood: ultimately, nobody knows anything. (And I've always loved the out of cheese error.)

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Yes to Arts Council mentoring. It's so hit and miss finding a mentor, especially if you don't have money.

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