Lots of interesting points, you’re right someone could get a good book out of this. I’m with you on universal basic income, I’ve been thinking it’s a great idea for nearly 20 years but it never seems to get off the ground. In 2020 I wrote a post that mentioned various recent pilot projects and I was convinced it was about to have its moment. I ended with ‘money buys you time, money gives security and peace of mind, and it's hard for many people to be creative in snatched half-hours while they're worrying about putting food on the table or keeping a roof over their head. UBI isn't the only solution, I'm sure, but it merits a serious conversation at a time when the logic of the market and the chancellor's assistance only for 'viable jobs' means theatres and music venues are closing down and creatives of all sorts are having to turn their backs on the work that they're good at, that fulfils them, and that gives other people pleasure - we're all reading or watching or listening to creative output during this pandemic. If you haven't thought about UBI before, have a read and a think because someone will probably be asking your opinion on it as a policy soon.’

I’m still hopeful that we’ll get there eventually.

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Love your final para there. Yes, UBI would be amazing. I just hope it starts to be taken more seriously very soon!

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I wish my thought vomits came out so reasonable and coherent. A great piece, particularly the analysis of the changing (creative) economy. My position is slightly different in that I don't currently anticipate earning from creative work, but my "hard thing" still remains understanding the role I want creativity to play, alongside paying the bills running a separate business.

Maybe I need a "proper" project to motivate me... I like the book idea above- if anyone decides to go for it, count me in as a helper.

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Thanks, Nikki!

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This is so interesting. Basic income would be incredible, but I can't see it happening. But I hadn't considered us in late-stage capitalism before. That makes so much sense. I wonder how long before the big predators start to fall.

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There is so much evidence that UBI works, and we keep seeing small pilots concluding successfully, so I suspect it's only an issue of time before enough people are convinced that we'll see a move towards it.

As for the big predators, well, at some point they get too big for the ecosystem to support them. We're already seeing a contraction in spending from the streamers. But these huge companies can survive a long time before they keel over, so we'll have to wait a while.

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I really hope you’re right about UBI. Right now it doesn’t feel like governments will allow anything like that.

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Once automation and AI start really destroying jobs, they won't have much choice. But we still need to advocate for it first!

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Really good piece.

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Thank you! And thank you for the inspiration!

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