Suw I stumbled upon your Substack through a LinkedIn post. The AI is throwing writing posts my way as last Friday I embarked on a mission to write a LinkedIn post 5d/week for a year. I’m not a writer, suffer terribly from imposter syndrome, am highly introverted but feel the need to write. To find my voice. To find my community. I also read that writing helps you think (I think you refer to this).

Anyway just to say your Substack is exactly the guidance and help I crave. I also like your style. Your personality and humour cut through well (“bollocks to that”! Love it!).

I’m looking forward to reading more of your work.

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Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023Author

Thank you, John!

I definitely believe that writing helps me think, and that was a large motivator behind me launching my blog back in 2001. Reading, writing and discussion are all key ways for me to examine and understand the issues I'm interested in and I think I wouldn't be the person I am now without them.

I'm so glad to hear that what I'm writing now is helpful for you! Good luck with your LinkedIn project. And remember, if you're writing regularly, you're a writer, regardless of whatever your subconscious tells you (and take a look at my post on head trash about that!): https://suwca.substack.com/p/lets-take-out-some-head-trash

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